Introduction Evolution is a powerful force, shaping species to optimize their survival and proliferation. All human behavior can be seen in the light of evolution. But some types of behavior are more easily explained than others. For example, the evolutionary purpose of eating is obvious. But listening to a story does not provide us with any immediate, tangible benefit in the real world. Nonetheless, enjoying stories, such as in movies and TV, is widespread. We are clearly shaped by evolution to find enjoyment in listening to stories, and to be engaged in them. How come?
Why do we like stories?
Why do we like stories?
Why do we like stories?
Introduction Evolution is a powerful force, shaping species to optimize their survival and proliferation. All human behavior can be seen in the light of evolution. But some types of behavior are more easily explained than others. For example, the evolutionary purpose of eating is obvious. But listening to a story does not provide us with any immediate, tangible benefit in the real world. Nonetheless, enjoying stories, such as in movies and TV, is widespread. We are clearly shaped by evolution to find enjoyment in listening to stories, and to be engaged in them. How come?