Since the Rational Wiki page about me is now the top hit on Google search, I should write a post to correct any misconceptions.
“Black men have gotten less criminal, but are still vastly more criminal than Whites”
The quote is from the tweet below. Arguably I should have phrased in a different way, ie something like “Black men commit less crime than in previous generations, but still more crime than Whites.” But either way, the claim is based on this study, the source is in the post, and I am not aware of any serious claim that the numbers are not correct.
“Half of all gang rapes are committed by immigrants from just three countries (Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia).”
The claim is from the tweet shown below. Again I am simply citing numbers from a report, and all I did was to add up three values in the table.
On to the main description of me. I will go through each claim listed.
"Jonatan Pallesen is a far right"
I like freedom of speech, rule of law, liberty, free markets etc. I am also in favor of social welfare for those least well off, universal health care, gay rights, animal welfare, and foreign aid. Furthermore, I am firmly against the current system of mass immigration in Western Europe. In some people's view that makes me "far right". I'm not sure if this makes sense. But regardless of which words are used, I think it should be within the realm of acceptable political discourse to be critical of specific immigration policies.
“White nationalist”
While I think there is too much non-Western immigration currently, I do not think that only Whites should live in Europe. Rational Wiki’s page about white nationalists says that they tend to believe in a “zionist conspiracy”, which I do not. It also says that “Most self-described "white nationalist" activists also just happen to take the side of Nazi Germany against the United Kingdom and the United States”. Which is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read. No, I do not take the side of Nazi Germany. They have plausible deniability by saying "most", but still it is an association they use to taint me with, simply for being against the current mass immigration to Europe.
"Conspiracy theorist"
This can be argued. I wrote from early on that the covid pandemic may have come from a lab, which at least at that time was seen as a conspiracy theory. I have also written about a hypothesis regarding the origin of AIDS that some would regard as a conspiracy theory.
I believe that humans are shaped by evolution and that human populations are shaped by gene-culture co-evolution.
"Who promotes race realism"
I believe race is a meaningful concept, and there are differences in various traits on average between races. I also believe that a lot of genetic variation is clinal, and that not every person can be clearly categorized as one race or another.
"Has co-authored controversial papers with eugenicists including white supremacists Emil Kirkegaard and Michael Woodley."
It is true that I have coauthored papers with these two gentlemen.
"He opposes multiculturalism and argues "non-Western" immigrants commit more rape and violence"
It's true that I oppose some degrees of multiculturalism. The second part is simply an incontrovertible fact in Western Europe today.
"And also argues for European countries to heavily restrict non-European immigrants"
"Among his other beliefs are typical white nationalist viewpoints such as "HBD", eugenics, and increasing European fertility rates."
'HBD' links to the same page as ‘race realism’. So see my answer to this above.
Eugenics is another term where Im not sure what it means. If I go to the Rational Wiki article about the term, it says that “Most eugenicists believe that the goal of humanity is to achieve racial purity and exterminate people they deem not racially pure.” This is the new most ridiculous thing I have ever read. No, I do not believe that this is the goal of humanity, and I do not think that people should be exterminated.
It is correct that I am in favor of increasing European fertility rates.
I don’t think there is reason to go through all the rest of this long article about me. But let me take three of them.
“Pallesen spends his time cherry-picking and distorting crime statistics to make racist claims Black people are the most criminal and/or violent”
It’s an incontrovertible fact that Black people commit more crime (and more violent crime) in the U.S. today compared to other groups. I don’t need to cherry-pick data to show this. I am unsure if the writers of Rational Wiki are unaware of this basic fact, or if they just hope that the readers are.
Pallesen has no problem with immigrants if they are "Western" which pretty much sums up his racism: ‘‘Western immigration to Europe is fiscally positive. Non-Western, low-skilled immigrants not so much.”
Again, this quote is me citing official government statistics. In this case, the Danish report Indvandreres nettobidrag til de offentlige finanser i 2019. I am not aware of any critique of the method or accuracy of this report. But they apparently think that it ‘sums up my racism’ to talk about the findings in it.
“He particularly dislikes Muslim immigrants:
It is a false statement to say that I ‘dislike Muslim immigrants’. I dislike the current immigration regime in Western Europe. Except for criminals and slanderers, I harbor no ill will against individual people. I am invested in the flourishing of all people in the world.
The ultimate problem is Google, not a single a demented stalker with nothing better to do with his meaningless life who found a hack through which he can promote industrial level libel through a cooperative Wiki.
I just browsed through that incarceration paper you linked to. Actually very interesting to see the change over time!